About freaking time i joined this forum.
Hi. It’s me, SarahSpyborg. Though I’ve only played three Spyro games (the Legend trilogy, to be exact) I’ve always been attached to Spyro and its characters and lore.
At first I wasn’t sure whether to join this forum, but after realising I got so much to talk about, I finally decided to join at last. Hope you’re cool with me being here, because here I am. Big Grin

PS. Keep in mind that Australia has different time zones than whatever country you’re in, so there may be a chance you’ll be asleep while I’m awake, and vice versa.
Full-on Spy Kids nerd! Big Grin
Occasional Spyro nerd. Wink

Twitter: @sarahspyborg259
DeviantArt: SarahSpyborg259
Discord: SarahSpyborg259#6629
Wikia: SarahSpyborg259
Welcome, Sarah! We hope you enjoy yourself here Big Grin
"Looks like I got some things to do!"

[Image: 06c5b25a08299b7ecb5d4b2ceb06a9d6.gif]
Thanks, Crystal. Smile
Full-on Spy Kids nerd! Big Grin
Occasional Spyro nerd. Wink

Twitter: @sarahspyborg259
DeviantArt: SarahSpyborg259
Discord: SarahSpyborg259#6629
Wikia: SarahSpyborg259

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