12-13-2018, 02:47 AM
Boy I have a lot to say about this game, but I will keep it to 10 things as best I can.
1.) This was never meant to be two player. It was an added gimmick to boost sales after the retailer switch. I do like the inclusion of Cynder, but the A.I. doesn't work well with the flying.
2.) Warfang levels suck all the fun out of the rest of the game. Lord of the Rings at all game.
3.) Voice cast, not the worst, but I won't lie I don't like Cynders or Sparx's Voice actors. Elijah Wood is a fine choice for Spyro in this game far better here than the other two in my opinion, but I digress. I don't know about Mark Hamil as Malafore, I sort of fit, but not really.
4.) The collectables are either useless or Broken. Armor is a cool idea and can give you some good rewards and litteraly break the game. Unlimited use of Fury is a great time.
5.) Redesigns. They are really good, except Hunter's, Spyro and Sparx transferred well into the Legend series and it shine through with older looking characters, its some good stuff here.
6.) Unlimited Flying, when it works its the best part of the game. The Original series has yet to do this and I hope they perfect this in a later installment.
7.) The OST is great. Ok it's not Spyro 3 but its still good. The burdlands has an excellent track so does Avalar.
8.) Combat, YES this is what the last two needed, combat that didn't feel too repetitive and fluid (for the most part).
9.) Cynder's arsenal. She feels faster(in combat) Than Spyro. Her elements are different and new giving us something fresh and new to play with in this new era of Spyro games. She was the best thing in this whole trilogy, (darkspyro close second)
10.) I hate the ending. Evey one does as far as I know. Its cheesy, and unsatisfying. Skylanders was all ready in development when this came out so they knew to end it here, SO WHY DO YOU MAKE US QUESTION IF THEY ARE STILL ALIVE WHEN YOU AREN"T CONTINUING THE STORY???!!! sorry, I just want to like this game but that ending makes me sad that just when they fixed a lot of the problems the first two had they call it quits.
I love this trilogy, it's what got me into gaming and into Spyro in general. But for it to go out like that just goes to show that it wasn't too late to change for the better, but it certainly was cut to soon
1.) This was never meant to be two player. It was an added gimmick to boost sales after the retailer switch. I do like the inclusion of Cynder, but the A.I. doesn't work well with the flying.
2.) Warfang levels suck all the fun out of the rest of the game. Lord of the Rings at all game.
3.) Voice cast, not the worst, but I won't lie I don't like Cynders or Sparx's Voice actors. Elijah Wood is a fine choice for Spyro in this game far better here than the other two in my opinion, but I digress. I don't know about Mark Hamil as Malafore, I sort of fit, but not really.
4.) The collectables are either useless or Broken. Armor is a cool idea and can give you some good rewards and litteraly break the game. Unlimited use of Fury is a great time.
5.) Redesigns. They are really good, except Hunter's, Spyro and Sparx transferred well into the Legend series and it shine through with older looking characters, its some good stuff here.
6.) Unlimited Flying, when it works its the best part of the game. The Original series has yet to do this and I hope they perfect this in a later installment.
7.) The OST is great. Ok it's not Spyro 3 but its still good. The burdlands has an excellent track so does Avalar.
8.) Combat, YES this is what the last two needed, combat that didn't feel too repetitive and fluid (for the most part).
9.) Cynder's arsenal. She feels faster(in combat) Than Spyro. Her elements are different and new giving us something fresh and new to play with in this new era of Spyro games. She was the best thing in this whole trilogy, (darkspyro close second)
10.) I hate the ending. Evey one does as far as I know. Its cheesy, and unsatisfying. Skylanders was all ready in development when this came out so they knew to end it here, SO WHY DO YOU MAKE US QUESTION IF THEY ARE STILL ALIVE WHEN YOU AREN"T CONTINUING THE STORY???!!! sorry, I just want to like this game but that ending makes me sad that just when they fixed a lot of the problems the first two had they call it quits.
I love this trilogy, it's what got me into gaming and into Spyro in general. But for it to go out like that just goes to show that it wasn't too late to change for the better, but it certainly was cut to soon